2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Novus CEO Receives Prestigious Globalist Award

Jamie Johansen

At the John Cook School of Business at Saint Louis University, Boeing Institute of International Business honored Novus President and CEO, Francois Fraudeau, for his contributions to advance international trade in the St. Louis region. The annual Hussmann International Business Awards Ceremony recognizes both professionals and student scholars who are active in international business and trade. The Globalist Award is …

Agribusiness, Animal Health, Novus International

Georgia Peanut Hosts Trick or Peanut Event

Jamie Johansen

The Georgia Peanut Commission will be hosting a Trick or Peanut event at the GPC office on Wednesday, Oct. 26. The event is open to the public and citizens are encouraged to attend. The GPC staff will be taking part by dressing up and providing peanuts and peanut butter- themed candies and treats to all visitors who stop by during …

Ag Groups, Peanuts

Russell Named to Lead @SageBrandKC Account Team

Jamie Johansen

Sage Communications has named Stephanie Russell as account lead on the senior leadership team and will oversee, facilitate the execution of marketing communications plans for clients, including John Deere and NovaSource. “As a seasoned account manager and public relations professional, Stephanie has a successful proven track-record delivering results,” said Kelly Schwalbe, co-founder and partner of Sage. “Her passion for agriculture, …

Agribusiness, Marketing

NAFB Board of Directors Appoints Steever to VP

Jamie Johansen

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB) Board of Directors has appointed Tom Steever to fill the term of National Vice President. He will fill this role through December 31, 2016. Steever previously served the association as President in 2011 and 2012, and was National Vice President in 2010. “Tom’s past leadership experience with NAFB was the key reason for …

Ag Groups, NAFB

Domino’s® Commitment to National FFA Organization

Jamie Johansen

Domino’s Pizza knows that there would not be pizza if we didn’t have farmers. Now the recognized world leader in pizza delivery is supporting students interested in a future in agriculture by making a commitment to donate $1 million over five years to the National FFA Organization. “There is no Domino’s without the dairy, tomato, wheat and other farmers across …

Ag Groups, Education, FFA

New Food Ordering Formula for Less Food Waste

Jamie Johansen

In a 2013 study conducted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), researchers estimated one third of all food produced for human consumption in the world is lost or wasted. Although waste occurs in all stages of food production, some of the largest losses occur at all-you-care-to-eat (AYCTE), buffet-style facilities. University of Missouri researchers have calculated the economic …

Food, Research

#AsktheFarmer with ASA Wednesday on Twitter

Jamie Johansen

Three farmers are teaming up to answer questions about modern agriculture this week, as the American Soybean Association (ASA) presents #AsktheFarmer on Wednesday, Oct. 12, live on Twitter. You can tweet questions to ASA (@ASA_Soybeans) beginning at 8 a.m. CT and Kyle Bridgeforth (@Kylebridge), Brad Kremer (@kremer_brad) and Jenny Rohrich (@PrairieCA) will chime in with answers throughout the day. Please …

Ag Groups, ASA, Social Media, Soybean

Watch 2016 GAP Report Release at World Food Prize Online

Jamie Johansen

Join the Global Harvest Initiative tomorrow for the 2016 Global Agricultural Productivity (GAP) Report on Sustainability in an Uncertain Season. The event will take place Oct. 12 from 11am to 1pm at the World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa. You can still register for the event, but more importantly, you can watch the live webcast. Global demand for food …

Ag Groups, Events, Food, Sustainability

American Ag Law Association Elects Leaders

Jamie Johansen

The American Agricultural Law Association (AALA) held their 37th Annual Agricultural Law Symposium last week in Oklahoma City. More than 250 agriculture and food attorneys from across the country attended the AALA Symposium which featured national and regional legal policy experts addressing cutting edge issues in agriculture, natural resources, water, food, environmental and agribusiness law. Justin Schneider of Indianapolis, Indiana …

Ag Groups

Forage Harvesting with New Holland Ag

Jamie Johansen

New Holland Agriculture had a FR 780 Forage Harvester on display at the 2016 World Dairy Expo, which is part of a five model line up of forage harvesters ranging from 480 to 825 horsepower. Each model is equipped with the widest cutter-head in the business providing a fine crop mat and consistent length of cut and in turn, a …

Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Equipment, Forage, New Holland, World Dairy Expo