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NCBA Pleased with Election Results, Hopeful for Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2024 election turned out well for the nation’s cattle producers, according to National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane.

“Whether it be a president that we’ve worked with before, whether it be the defeat of radical animal rights action around the country, a tremendous election cycle, and I think now eyes turn to what can be done with this in this new administration,” Lane said during an interview at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention last week. “There’s been discussion for months about how to tackle the tax package that’s expiring. The best case scenario was exactly what we’re looking at, which is, Republican control of the House, the Senate and the White House. So he I think is going to be very focused on getting that renewed, whether that’s the budget reconciliation process or elsewhere.”

During a panel at the convention, Lane agreed that the opportunity exists to get a farm bill through in the lame duck session. “You have this moment in time now where you’ve got a bill that passed out of the House Ag committee on a bipartisan basis,” he said. “So I think there are a lot of us that feel like maybe they could put the pieces together and get this cleared off the decks before we go into the 119th Congress.”

The last minute introduction Monday by Sen. Chairwoman Deb Stabenow of the Rural Prosperity and Food Security Act could make that more difficult.

NAFB24 Ethan Lane, NCBA (4:56)

2024 NAFB Convention Trade Talk photos

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Farm Bill, NAFB, NCBA