2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AgGateway Meeting in Austin

Chuck Zimmerman

Brent Kemp, CEO, AgGateway AgGateway’s North America Annual Meeting and Conference is underway this week in Austin with more than 150 attendees networking and discoursing on one of agriculture’s most pressing needs to make sustainability, carbon sequestration, and other smart agriculture initiatives possible – accurate, verifiable, and interoperable data.

AgGateway CEO Brent Kemp opened the conference Monday with his annual report on the growth of the organization. “Our current membership is 218 with 16 new members this year. We’ve managed stable to slightly upward trends in membership in the face of consolidation industry headwinds and companies leaving the industry altogether,” said Kemp. “Over the course of the year, we commissioned six new working groups. We have a a goal each year to commission about five, so we’re ahead of that.”

Kemp noted that AgGateway is in the final year of its five year strategic plan. “As you recall, the watchwords for that are create, engage and grow and we have annual objectives that build on each of those themes,” said Kemp. “We’re starting the process to build the next five year plan today. Not today, but just in general. The Board of Directors has actually begun the planning process at its June meeting and we are in the second face to face meeting with that group this week….We’re not going to be coming out of the meeting this week with a fully fledged strategic plan that we can share with you, but we will have that plan ready to share by the mid year meeting of 2025.”

Listen to Kemp’s full report here:
Brent Kemp, AgGateway CEO, Report (18:35)

2024 AgGateway Annual Conference Photo Album

AgGateway, AgWired Precision, Audio, data, Precision Agriculture