2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Farm Groups Welcome Trump

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture organizations began sending congratulatory messages to President-elect Donald Trump early Wednesday, led by the American Farm Bureau Federation president Zippy Duvall.

““Now that the American people have spoken, it’s time to put politics aside and begin the work of ensuring families nationwide can prosper,” said Duvall. “Among the most pressing issues in rural America is the need for a new, modernized farm bill. The two-year delay is unacceptable. The new administration must also address the impending tax hikes, which would crush many of America’s farmers and ranchers when stacked on top of inflation, high supply costs and market instability.”

Trump spoke at three Farm Bureau national conventions during his previous presidency.

National Farmers Union (NFU) President Rob Larew also offered his congratulations to President-elect Trump. “This transition to a new administration comes at a pivotal time for agriculture and rural America. At NFU, we believe that strong support for family farmers and ranchers is essential for vibrant rural communities and resilient economies… We stand ready to work with the incoming administration to build a future where agriculture can thrive, our food systems are resilient, and rural communities are supported.”

National Corn Growers Association President Kenneth Hartman Jr. said they look forward to working with the new administration and members of Congress to advance policy that is important to corn farmers. “We especially appreciate President Trump’s recognition that homegrown fuels, like ethanol, are important for our nation’s energy security and rural economies. We are also eager to work with his administration and Congress to enact improved farm policies and programs, expand market opportunities and build on the tax policies enacted during President Trump’s first term that are beneficial to corn farmers as they face a challenging financial outlook with low prices and high costs.”

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane said they are excited to work with the President-Elect to “undo the harm which cattle producers have endured under four years of “Bidenomics” and restore the free-market principles which have made U.S. cattle and beef the finest and safest in the world. Despite cattle prices soaring to record highs over the previous years, producers have been squeezed by exceptionally high input costs, record inflation, and the Biden Administration’s so-called competition agenda. This is the perfect opportunity to execute a hard reset on all of these failed policies.”