RaboResearch Talks Sustainability at Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Rabo AgriFinance During the Ag Media Summit I visited with Eric Gibson, RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness – Sustainability Analyst for Farm Inputs & Crop Production. You can see him in the picture with the Rabo team talking to ag media members.

Since Eric is a sustainability analyst that was the topic of our conversation. In addition to sustainability another key word was innovation which he says is a priority. Eric says the intelligence team supplies information for clients to help them make sound business decisions. “What I’m really focusing on is help our clients and our team members to understand the products, the practices and the principals behind what sustainability means for downstream demand and regulatory function.”

You can listen to my interview with Eric here:
Interview with Eric Gibson (3:14)

2024 Ag Media Summit Photo Album

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio