2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AgGateway Joins Celebration of Modern Ag on the Mall

Cindy Zimmerman

Jeremy Wilson and Paul Schrimpf talk connectivity on National Mall

AgGateway and the Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation (AEF), two global non-profit associations working to ensure the interoperability between agricultural brands and technology platforms, were among the groups that participated in the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) second “Celebration of Modern Ag on the National Mall” event last week.

Paul Schrimpf, AgGateway Director of Marketing and Communications, says they participated in the 2022 event, so they already knew it was a good place to be. “We want to be part of anything our members are involved in,” said Shrimpf. “A lot of our members in AgGateway crossover with AEM and connectivity is a subject that they want to talk about and that we want to talk about.”
AEM Ag on the Mall - Paul Schrimpf, AgGateway 4:03

AgGateway Executive Vice President Jeremy Wilson says it was a really good event for them. “We’ve had a lot of opportunities to interact with our members and potential members about the work we’ve done,” Wilson said.

Wilson moderated a panel on interoperability during the Ag on the Mall event, which focused on the future of food and farming, and he encouraged agricultural companies to get involved with AgGateway if they are not already. “Our whole mission is bringing complete industry-wide data interoperability so they can connect with those people in the industry they need to share data with.”

The AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting is coming up June 10-12 in Altoona, Iowa, the meeting Wilson says is where the organization’s work of digital connectivity gets done. Learn more in this interview.
AEM Ag on the Mall - Jeremy Wilson, AgGateway 4:34

2024 Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the Mall

AEM, Ag Groups, AgGateway, Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Precision Agriculture