RFA Ethanol Podcast

Intelinair Successfully Completes SOC 2 Compliance

Cindy Zimmerman

Ag data analytics company Intelinair today announced the achievement of Systems and Organization Controls 2 (SOC 2 Type 1) compliance certification, a widely recognized framework comprising standards of data security, privacy, and operational integrity.

Ag retailer and farmer customers rely on Intelinair’s digital platforms for in-season and postseason data-driven decision-making for crop production. Current platform users can now have even greater confidence in the security and integrity from this next level of data security. Using AI and machine learning, Intelinair tracks several factors – emergence, weeds, disease, nutrient deficiency, yield and more – to provide the insights to help protect yield potential and identify sustainability opportunities.

The SOC 2 standard was developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA). As part of the certification process, a SOC 2 audit is performed by an accredited CPA firm and verifies that safeguards are in place to protect customer data, such as internal controls, policies and procedures and that safeguards are operational per the SOC 2 security criteria over an extended period of time.

AgWired Precision, data, Precision Agriculture