2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Beltwide Cotton Awards

Cindy Zimmerman

Several awards were presented at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences last week. Here are two of them.

Each year the University Extension Cotton Specialists select a colleague to recognize as the Beltwide Extension Cotton Specialist of the Year. Camp Hand, University of Georgia assistant professor in Crop & Soil Sciences, received this annual award for his leadership, dedication and exceptional service in developing and conducting educational programs to meet the needs of cotton producers and the U.S. cotton industry.

Dr. David Fang, geneticist for USDA-ARS at the Cotton Fiber Bioscience Research Unit in New Orleans, is the 2023 Cotton Genetics Research Award recipient.

Dr. Fang has made tremendous contributions to the development of molecular markers which have been made publicly available and are utilized in practical cotton breeding and realized potential in a population derived from crosses made by USDA-ARS colleagues. Dr. Fang also has constructed numerous genomic maps of cotton and identified numerous markers for various agronomic traits.

2024 Beltwide Cotton Conferences Photo Album

Beltwide Cotton, Cotton