Syngenta Storen Corn Herbicide Registered

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta latest residual corn herbicide, Storen™, just received registration by the Environmental Protection Agency in July and will be available for use in 2024, subject to state approvals, according to Shawn Hock, corn herbicide product lead for Syngenta Crop Protection. Hock was talking with farmers about Storen at the Farm Progress Show this week in Decatur, Illinois.

“Storen is providing next level weed control of really challenging weeds that farmers are having difficulty controlling, such as Palmer amaranth and waterhemp,” said Hock. “It’s providing up to three weeks longer residual than any other herbicide in the market.”

Learn more about Storen, as well as the latest on Acuron, which helps maximize corn yield, in this interview.
2023 Farm Progress Show interview with Shawn Hock, Syngenta corn herbicides 7:03

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Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta