2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Venture Capital Platform for Sorghum Launches

Cindy Zimmerman

The Collaborative Sorghum Marketing Transformation Program (cSmart) has announced the launch of the first-ever venture capital platform dedicated exclusively to attracting capital for companies, projects and innovations that create opportunities for sorghum farmers.

cSmart matches private capital with funding to support startups and established companies investing in sorghum and also facilitates a network of private investors seeking opportunities for competitive returns in agriculture.

“To date, cSmart has invested in support of a container facility for specialty sorghum exports, matched private investment with funds for marketing efforts for an all-female run sorghum food startup and facilitated networking and due diligence for an industrial sorghum starch project,” cSmart consultant John Duff said. “The diversity of these investments demonstrates the wide net cSmart intends to cast, supporting and financing innovation in American agriculture—a necessity we are proud to announce this National Ag Day.”

Fueled by relationships across the sorghum industry and the supply chain, cSmart leverages knowledge and financial flexibility to support startups, existing companies and investors bringing innovation to the sorghum industry.

For more information on investing or obtaining support for sorghum innovation, contact cSmart consultant John Duff at john@seroag.com or 806-638-5334.
