RFA Ethanol Podcast

Registration Now Open for 2023 Ag Media Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2023 Agricultural Media Summit (AMS) will be held July 29 through August 2 in Palm Springs, California and registration is now open. AMS is the annual joint meeting of the Agricultural Communicators Network, the Livestock Publications Council and the Connectiv AgriMedia Committee. It is the largest annual conference of agricultural communicators in the US and provides opportunities for networking and professional development through workshops and speakers from industry professionals.

The summit is scheduled to kick off in Palm Springs with an address from Secretary of the California Dept of Food and Agriculture and Nebraska farm kid Karen Ross. The keynote speaker this year is Matt Booth, who encourages us to live an incredible life by having a great attitude, communicating effectively, taking care of ourselves and having a plan. Booth is also on tap to lead two breakout sessions at the summit.

Among the sessions already confirmed:
What’s in My Bag by Jamie Cole, who takes us inside a video storyteller’s bag to get the right video, no matter what the assignment is and where it is.
Difficult On-Farm Photo Situations and How to Overcome Them by Kate Baer
Images @ Work in Social Media by Morgan Boecker, who shares what types of images and graphics work across different platforms.
Making PR Lemonade Out of Lemons — Hear from PR pros about their careers’ past challenges and how they overcame them.
How Companies Can Inflation-Proof Their Marketing Budgets — Hear real-life examples from Dan Mandle on how to analyze the impact media and marketing spend has, and overcome pitfalls of Google analytics.

Find all the information at AgMediaSummit.com and register before July 6 for early bird prices.

Ag Media Summit