2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Yield10 Bioscience Offers 2023 Camelina Production Contracts

Cindy Zimmerman

Yield10 Bioscience has announced its 2023 enrollment program for contract production of Camelina in targeted areas of the United States and Canada. Contracts are being offered for both spring and winter varieties of Camelina to farmers in Western Canada (Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba), and Northern U.S. states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho and Minnesota.

In 2023, Yield10 plans to contract with growers for planting high-performing, spring and winter Camelina varieties as part of an initiative to establish pre-commercial production and offtake relationships in the biofuels market. These grower contracts currently do not require up-front costs for seed and provide a guaranteed minimum revenue per acre. Among the benefits of the program is that it allows for the product to be moved off the farm quickly following harvest. Yield10 plans to expand the planting acreage going forward by providing growers improved varieties, including introducing herbicide tolerant Camelina to enable better weed control and higher yields over time. Yield10 is currently field-testing herbicide tolerant Camelina varieties for seed scale up, regulatory approval, and commercial development for the biofuel market.

“We look forward to engaging with farmers in the U.S. and Canada to ramp up experience with Camelina and to drive widespread commercial adoption of this promising new oilseed crop,” said Darren Greenfield, Senior Director of Seed Operations at Yield10 Bioscience. “Yield10 is developing relationships across the biofuel supply chain, with one of our key goals being to establish Camelina as a revenue generating crop for farmers, producing a low-carbon intensity source of feedstock oil for transportation and sustainable aviation fuel markets.”

Yield10 will be attending two trade shows coming up in the Alberta region for farmers to find out more. The Farming Smarter Conference and Trade Show, February 15-16 and the 2023 Ag-Expo and North American Seed Fair, February 28 – March 2 both in Lethbridge.

More information is available on Yield10’s Camelina Opportunities for Growers, please contact Darren Greenfield or Davis McCarthy at growers@yield10bio.com.

Biofuels, Farming