2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Outgoing USDA Deputy Secretary Visits #CattleCon23

Cindy Zimmerman

Despite her imminent departure from USDA, Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh addressed the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show last week in New Orleans. Bronaugh announced on January 26 that she is leaving the Department in the weeks ahead to spend more time with her family.

As a part of the third general session of the 2023 Cattle Industry Convention, Deputy Secretary Bronaugh spoke on a wide variety of topics including rural broadband access, foreign animal disease, international trade, and sustainability. Deputy Secretary Bronaugh discussed the implementation of broadband improvements across rural America under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Additionally, Deputy Secretary Bronaugh highlighted USDA’s foreign animal disease response strategy and the importance of the National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary Countermeasures Bank (NAVVCB), the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP), and the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN). Finally, the Deputy Secretary reaffirmed the critical role of USDA in opening new markets for U.S. beef exports and countering non-science based, subjective trade barriers that hamper the sale of American beef worldwide.

2023 CattleCon USDA Deputy Secretary Jewel Bronaugh (16:02)

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, USDA