2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Introducing Levelset™ at World Pork Expo

Cindy Zimmerman

Alltech introducing Levelset to reinforce gut health in pigs

As the 2024 World Pork Expo gets underway this week in Des Moines, producers will be able to learn about an innovative solution designed to reinforce gut health in pigs from Alltech called Levelset™. In addition, Alltech will be hosting a business seminar at Expo on the U.S. pork industry’s role in global trade, animal health, and sustainability.

Levelset consists of a blend of key technologies that synergistically supports natural resistance against diarrhea challenges while enhancing overall enteric health. Designed for maximum impact during three different life stages of production, pre-farrow sows, suckling pigs and weaned pigs — Levelset is an exceptional tool in any production strategy.

Alltech’s Andy Rash and Mark Hulsebus

“Across the industry, pathogen resistance is an ever-growing challenge, and solutions to reduce reliance on conventional antibiotics are of critical importance,” said Andy Rash, general manager of Alltech’s U.S. swine business. “Levelset is an innovative blend of carefully developed technologies that minimizes undesirable organisms within the gut, thus promoting the overall health and productivity of pigs.”

The business seminar on “Challenging Health and Productivity – How does the U.S. lead the world in sustainable, profitable pork production?” will be held on Thursday June 6, 10-11:30 am, at the Varied Industries building. Alltech Pork Team Sales and Portfolio Director Mark Hulsebus will moderate the panel including:
• Dr. Mark Lyons: President and CEO, Alltech
• Dr. Frank Mitloehner: Director – Clear Center, UC Davis
• Maria Zieba: VP of Government Affairs, NPPC
• Dr. Gordon Spronk: DVM Chair Emeritus, Pipestone

To learn more about Levelset at World Pork Expo, visit the Alltech Pork Team at the Alltech Booth #V419 and the Hospitality Tent #EV420. Experts from Alltech, Hubbard and Ridley Feed Ingredients will be on site to discuss proactive nutrition strategies and solutions, new technologies, upcoming research and development, and trending industry topics. For more information, visit go.alltech.com/swine-research.

Learn more about Levelset and Alltech’s activities at Pork Expo this week in this interview with Rash and Hulsebus.
Alltech at 2024 World Pork Expo 8:59

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Livestock, Pork, Swine, World Pork Expo