2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Valent Receives EPA Registration for Maverick™ Corn Herbicide

Chuck Zimmerman

ValentThis morning Valent announced that it has received EPA registration for Maverick™ Corn Herbicide, a powerful new tool for corn farmers in their fight against resistant weeds.

Maverick equips growers with three effective modes of action for long-lasting, broad-spectrum control of problematic weeds, including waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, marestail and annual grasses, as well as application flexibility from preplant up to 18-inch corn, low use rates for easy in-field handling and mixing, and excellent compatibility with atrazine.

Erick Garcia“Maverick provides use options that increase operational efficiencies and in-field performance,” says Erick Garcia, Maverick brand manager for Valent U.S.A. “Not only do the three modes of action make it a broad spectrum, long-lasting solution, Maverick also provides growers the operational flexibility they need to make the most of their weed management program.”

I interview Erick during the Ag Media Summit in Raleigh, NC to learn more about this new product. You can listen to the interview here: Interview with Erick Garcia (2:58)

You can find more on the Valent website. Erick is now the newest member of the Golden ZimmComm Mic Club!

Ag Media Summit, Agribusiness, Audio, Herbicide