RFA Ethanol Podcast

ZimmCast 695 – Preview of 2022 Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCastHello and welcome to the ZimmCast.

This will be episode 695 of the ZimmCast. I’d love any feedback you want to give. Do you like the format? What would change? What topics or speakers would you like to hear? Message me and I really appreciate it.

Agricultural Media SummitIn just over a week the annual Ag Media Summit will take place in Raleigh, NC. If you have not registered, you can do so on site if you need to. But you can also follow on social media with the hashtag #AgMediaSummit2022 and I’ll be posting lots of photos and interviews when I can.

In this week’s program you can hear a preview of the event from Kenna Rathai, Broadhead, who is Chair of the Steering Committee for the Ag Media Summit this year.

It is easy to find more information about the Ag Media Summit and to register. Just go to AgMediaSummit.com.

I hope you enjoyed this episode and thank you for listening.

Listen to the ZimmCast here:
ZimmCast 695 - Preview of 2022 Ag Media Summit (12:31)

Want to sponsor the ZimmCast? Just let me know and we can talk through ideas for your company. I’m AgriBlogger on Twitter or just email me at chuck@zimmcomm.biz.

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ACN, Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Agencies, Agribusiness, Audio, LPC, Media, ZimmCast