2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech E-CO2 Helps Lower Dairy Carbon Footprint

Cindy Zimmerman

Alltech has pioneered the use of on-farm environmental tools and assessments to provide opportunities to benchmark and improve efficiency, leading towards increased profitability and sustainability. From individual farms to multinational organizations, Alltech E-CO2 service provides a comprehensive range of advice, tools and services to help measure and improve environmental performance.

Alltech E-CO2 Vice President Matthew Smith says they can help processors improve efficiencies by looking at the carbon footprint of each individual dairy unit supplying their product. “And then you get the opportunity to provide some management advice about how nutrition could be improved which will lower that carbon footprint,” said Smith during an interview at the recent Alltech ONE Conference. Lowering a farm’s carbon footprint goes hand-in-hand with increasing farm efficiency and, therefore, profitability.

Learn more in this interview with Smith.
ONE22 Interview with Matthew Smith, Alltech E-CO2 (7:05)

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