2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Former Senator Crashes Vilsack Presser at NAFB

Cindy Zimmerman

Now that Pat Roberts is retired from his long and illustrious 40-year career in Congress, he decided to try his hand at farm broadcasting during Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack’s virtual press conference at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting annual convention this week in Kansas City.

Standing up at the microphone to ask Vilsack a question, Roberts said, “I’m reporting for WIBW in Topeka, KFRM from Salina, KGNO from Dodge City, and KMAN out of Manhattan, home of the ever optimistic and fighting Wildcats.” The former Senator then proceeded to ask about exports under the Phase One trade deal with China.

Listen to the whole press conference here:
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack press conference 38:47

You can find photos and Trade Talk interviews from NAFB here.