RFA Ethanol Podcast

2021 NAMA Top Award Recipients

Chuck Zimmerman

Tim HenningerThe National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) honored the winners of its top annual awards during the 2021 Agri-Marketing Conference. You can listen to the their remarks after receiving there awards below.

The AgriBusiness Leader of the Year award was presented to Tim Hassinger, retired Pres/CEO of Dow AgroSciences and Lindsay Corporation. The award recognizes outstanding leadership in private, public or academic service and is conferred each year to a senior executive at an agribusiness.

Listen to Tim’s remarks here: Remarks from Tim Hassinger

Amy BuggThe NAMA Marketer of the Year was awarded to Amy Bugg, Brand Marketing Lead of AgroLiquid. The award is recognizes an active member of NAMA and their outstanding accomplishments in the field of agri-marketing.

Listen to Amy’s remarks here: Remarks from Amy Bugg

Chad GregoryThe Ag Association Leader of the Year was presented to Chad Gregory, President/CEO of United Egg Producers. The award recognizes outstanding achievement and excellence among senior executives who have made significant contributions to the agriculture industry in their roles with trade association or commodity organization.

Listen to Chad’s remarks here: Remarks from Chad Gregory

2021 Agri-Marketing Conference Photo Album

Audio, Marketing, NAMA