RFA Ethanol Podcast

Time to Consider 2021 Weed Management Strategy

Carrie Muehling

As growers look back on 2020, they saw another year where low commodity prices meant more bushels were the best path forward. Syngenta‘s Dane Bowers pointed to Acuron corn herbicide as a great weed resistance management tool.

“Certainly, understanding the value that a herbicide product brings is really important. I think what I would like growers to think about is not just saving money, but thinking about what is the return on the money that I spend on my herbicide?” said Bowers, who serves as the Technical Product Lead on Syngenta’s Herbicide Team.

Acuron contains four active ingredients and three different sites of action, and has shown a 5-15 bushel yield increase in multiple trials. Bowers said that’s in part due to a unique active ingredient called bicyclopyrone, which sets Acuron apart from many other corn herbicides on the market

“I know resistance just continues to grow in the marketplace so it’s really important for growers to make sure that the herbicides they choose have multiple, effective sites of action that will control the target weeds, the weeds that are really giving them fits,” said Bowers, who participated in the National Association of Farm Broadcasting virtual Trade Talk event.

He said growers need to plan on using two-pass programs, as well.
2020 NAFB Interview with Dane Bowers, Syngenta herbicides lead 6:05

Audio, Syngenta, weed management