2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AMVAC Conducts On-Farm Testing of SIMPAS System

Cindy Zimmerman

AMVAC, an American Vanguard Company, has just completed on-farm testing in five states for its new SIMPAS™ prescriptive application system.

Farmers and retailers tested the systems in Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and Arkansas. Participating retailers include: Asmus Farm Supply, Harvest Land Co-op, Helena Agri-Enterprises, Nutrien Ag Solutions, and Simplot Grower Solutions.

Set to launch commercially through select Trimble dealers in 2021, SIMPAS (Smart Integrated Multi-Product Prescription Application System) enables farmers to precisely and variably apply up to three, in-furrow crop inputs while planting. Based on prescriptions developed by agronomists, SIMPAS precisely delivers the exact rate of each SIMPAS-applied product solution (nematicide, fungicide, micronutrient, insecticide, inoculant, or biological) in each appropriate management zone, using a patented metering system to apply only the right product, at the right time, at the right place, at the right rate.

One of the farmers who tested the system was Jason Orr of Rowley, Iowa. He talks about his experience in this interview.

Interview with Iowa farmer Jason Orr, SIMPAS on-farm testing (10:57)

AgWired Precision, AMVAC, Audio, Precision Agriculture