2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Energy Ag News 3-26-20

Cindy Zimmerman

  • The Nebraska Ethanol Board (NEB) and Renewable Fuels Nebraska (RFN) have rescheduled the Ethanol: Emerging Issues Forum 2020 for July 15-16. The Forum will be held at the La Vista Conference Center in Greater Omaha if the threat of COVID-19 has subsided.
  • The Renewable Fuels Association is pleased to welcome two new associate members, Barchart and Bion. Based in Chicago, Barchart is a global provider of market data and intelligence to the financial, media and commodity sectors. Bion, based in Sioux Falls, S.D., is a testing company that specializes in analytical standards, reference material, and proficiency testing programs.
  • According to EIA data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association for the week ending Mar. 20, ethanol production scaled back by 2.9%, or 30,000 barrels per day (b/d), to 1.005 million b/d—equivalent to 42.21 million gallons daily and the lowest volume since October. The four-week average ethanol production rate declined 1.1% to 1.041 million b/d, equivalent to an annualized rate of 15.96 billion gallons. Ethanol stocks diminished by 1.9% to 24.1 million barrels for a seven-week low.
  • Biodiesel, Biofuels, Energy, Ethanol