2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Launches Soybean Products, Programs for 2020

Carrie Muehling

Bayer continues to roll out new products and efforts to help farmers fight weed resistance during the coming growing season. The company plans to launch XtendFlex soybeans in spring of 2020, pending regulatory approval.

“It’s really important when you think about all the challenges growers have on their farms from the resistance to the tough to manage weeds where growers need more tools and flexibility to control those weeds, and XtendFlex soybeans will provide that,” said Lisa Streck, Bayer North American Soybean Launch Lead.

Streck said XtendFlex soybeans offer tolerance to dicamba, glufosinate and glyphosate. Bayer also encourages growers to spray early.

Lisa Streck, Bayer North American soybean launch lead
Interview with Lisa Streck, XtendFlex Soybeans 1:59

“Bayer is confident that if growers spray early, they’re going to have success with controlling those tough to control weeds,” said Megan McQuoid, Soybean Traits Marketing Manager.

The company is backing up that belief with its Spray Early With Confidence program, offering the promise of 15 dollars per acre to be applied towards respraying if farmers see less than commercially acceptable performance on labeled weeds. Bayer recommends using XtendiMax herbicide as a part of the program. For more information, visit roundupreadyxtend.com.

Megan McQuoid, Soybean Traits Marketing Manager
Interview with Megan McQuoid, Soybean Traits 3:00

2020 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Audio, Bayer, Soybean