2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer’s Channel Seedsmen Can Help in 2020

Carrie Muehling

After a very difficult growing season in 2019, many farmers want to forget that year altogether. But Bayer‘s Whitney Monin said that would be a critical mistake.

“There were many things that happened in 2019 that really need to govern and dictate our actions moving into 2020, whether that be our response to disease, our response to pests, and even making sure we choose the right product for the right acre given some of the stressors we encountered in 2019,” said Monin, who is a technical agronomist with Channel Seed.

Monin said acres that were not planted last year or were not treated in a timely fashion because of weather challenges will need extra attention in 2020 to ensure weed management is successful. Monin said Channel Seedsmen are prepared to work with growers locally to help them make a plan and execute that well throughout the 2020 growing season. Monin was at the 2020 Commodity Classic in San Antonio.

Whitney Monin, Technical Agronomist, Channel Seed
Interview with Whitney Monin, Channel Seed 4:20

2020 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic