RFA Ethanol Podcast

#Classic20 Gives Secretary Sonny a Warm Welcome

Cindy Zimmerman

Thousands of farmers from across the country welcomed Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue with open arms Friday during the general session of the 2020 Commodity Classic as he was introduced by a video message from President Donald Trump.

“That’s the real deal,” Perdue said about the president’s message. “I can assure you, that wasn’t political speak, that’s him true and true, he loves you and he shows it every way.”

Secretary Perdue talked about a number of issues important to the corn, soybean, wheat and sorghum producers attending the Classic including infrastructure, broadband, trade, sustainability, and biofuels.

Classic20 Secretary Perdue remarks 31:05

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue press conference
Secretary Perdue presser 22:40

2020 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Audio, Commodity Classic, USDA