RFA Ethanol Podcast

ZimmCast 632 – Ag Retailers Conference Leadership

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program I spoke with the leadership of the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA).
In the program you’ll hear from past Chair, Troy Johnson, Wilbur-Ellis, as he talks about his term leading the board. Then next up will be Rod Wells, GROWMARK, new Chair for ARA, as he talks about his outlook and plans for the coming two years. Then finally, I talked with Daren Coppock, ARA CEO, about how this year’s conference went.

You can find a lot more interviews, audio and photos from the conference in our AgNewsWire virtual ag newsroom.

I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.

Listen to the ZimmCast here: ZimmCast 632 - Ag Retailers Conference Wrap-up
Subscribe to the ZimmCast by clicking here.

Ag Groups, ARA, Audio, GROWMARK, ZimmCast