2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Hemp Industry Pleased with USDA Rule as First Step

Cindy Zimmerman

With the release just last week of USDA’s interim rule for the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program, it was a big topic of discussion at the inaugural Florida Industrial Hemp Conference & Exposition this week in Orlando.

National Hemp Association chairman Geoff Whaling says the rule is a good first step. “This was a herculean lift for them (USDA) because they …. had to deal with ten federal agencies that have been absolutely against hemp and the legalization of it,” said Whaling.

Listen to his take in this interview:
Interview with Geoff Whaling, National Hemp Assoc. (15:22)

Also this week, the Hemp Industries Association (HIA®) 26th Annual HIACON was held in Charlotte, North Carolina. HIAF Executive Director Ray Mazzie said, “While the new regulations provide direction in the interim for farmers and others involved in the industrial hemp market, HIAF remains cautiously optimistic. It’s important for those with a stake in the industry to continue to weigh in on the proposed rules during the 60-day rulemaking process.”

Florida Industrial Hemp Conference photo album

Audio, Cannabis, hemp