RFA Ethanol Podcast

Bayer Seed Treatments Protect on Multiple Fronts

Carrie Muehling

With one of the broadest and most diverse portfolios of seed treatment in the industry, Bayer is helping farmers to protect their crops against more than just insect and disease pressure.

“Being covered on multiple fronts, whether that’s against diseases, pests, nematodes, maybe it’s drought or nutrient deficiency, having a different breadth of seed treatment can really help protect against whatever unpredictability Mother Nature throws your way,” said A.J. Hohmann, U.S. Marketing Manager for Bayer’s Seed Growth Business.

Hohmann said seed treatments can also fight against nematodes, or maximize root mass with bioenhancers. He said seed treatments routinely provide a two to seven bushel yield boost, and can even bring up to a 30 bushel advantage in situations where high pressures and adverse weather conditions threaten production.

Hohmann said in addition to protecting seed, Bayer is also working to protect farmers and agriculture communities with its Farm State of Mind initiative. The focus on mental health began in May 2019 as farmers in many areas work through one of the more challenging years on record. He encouraged farmers to join in on social media with the hashtag #FarmStateOfMind or visit acceleronsas.com/farmstateofmind to share stories and find resources for managing mental health challenges.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with A.J. here: Interview with A.J. Hohmann, Bayer

Bayer at the 2019 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Farm Progress Show, Seed