2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Trials Show At-Plant Nematicide Increases Cotton Yield Potential

Cindy Zimmerman

Recent university trials show that an at-plant nematicide application can help Southern cotton growers who are battling nematodes increase their yield, which gives cotton fields treated with Velum® Total an advantage, according to Bayer.

Keith Rucker, Bayer senior technical service representative, says at-plant application reduces the nematode population density, protects the root system and increases the opportunity to develop a larger root mass, spurring strong early-season growth. “When nematodes attack the plant from day one, they can stunt the root system and the plant is never able to really overcome it. With Velum Total, it’s all about getting the plant off to a good start.”

Trials across the South show consistent yield advantage when Velum Total is applied at-plant. In trials at Auburn University in 2016, Velum Total, on average, increased yield by 1,355 lb/A of seed cotton in reniform nematode-infested fields. In fields with root-knot nematode, Velum Total provided an average yield bump of 127 lb/A of seed cotton. Trials at the University of Georgia showed similar results with fields treated with Velum Total yielding higher than fields only planted with a base seed treatment.

“If Velum Total is used in a field with a nematode problem, we can expect less damage to the plant,” said University of Georgia Extension Plant Pathologist Bob Kemerait. “We can also expect better growth and better yields.”

In addition to nematodes, Velum Total controls other early-season pests, such as thrips, and helps suppress diseases, such as Fusarium wilt, which can reduce the need for foliar sprays, saving growers time and money.

Listen to an interview here from the 2018 American Seed Trade Association CSS and Seed Expo with Chip Graham, Bayer Seed Treatment Technician, who explains more about how Velum Total is helping cotton growers, particularly in Texas and Georgia where nematode pressure is also high. Interview with Chip Graham, Bayer Seed Treatment technician

Bayer, Cotton, Crop Protection