2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmCast from #NFMS19

Chuck Zimmerman

This week the ZimmCast starts out talking about the crazy agriblogging highway schedule and the value of media rooms at conferences and conventions. 

When it comes to newsrooms and Commodity Classic (next week) I want to thank the staff and other committee members who touch base every year to make sure all official media have a very comfortable and useful place to work out of. Among our top priorities are – the best wifi available, plenty of room for seating and tables, easy access to power outlets – and food is always nice. We appreciate the staff who help the media get everything they need, as well as the companies who sponsor media rooms at various events, such as Corteva for Classic, Merial at the Cattle Industry Conference, and BASF at Farm Progress Show and NAFB. It just makes our jobs so much easier!

Having a sponsor makes a world of difference in how the media is able to cover an event. National Farm Machinery Show currently has no sponsor and it was very evident this year. The wi-fi was virtually non-existent, which made it difficult, if not impossible, for many media to do their work. It is important for the event organizers to also make the sponsorship affordable and a worthwhile investment for a company.

This week’s program also includes Kentucky’s Commissioner of Agriculture Ryan Quarles. Next up is FMC’s Rick Ekins, Application and Innovations Platform Lead. He talks about “Investing in the Furrow.” After that you can hear the presentation audio from the Case IH AFS Connect Magnum Series Tractor launch.

I hope you enjoy this week’s program and thank you for listening.

Listen to the ZimmCast here: ZimmCast 609 - National Farm Machinery Show

Audio, Media, National Farm Machinery Show