2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

American Lamb Board New Chair and Annual Report

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Lamb Board has elected a new chairman and released its 2018 Annual Report.

Dale Thorne, a sheep producer from Michigan, has been elected chairman of the American Lamb Board (ALB). He is serving his second 3-year term on the Board, representing the lamb feeding sector. Thorne has previously served as ALB vice chairman, treasurer and chairman of the Research Committee.

Thorne and his family have a flock of 1,000 Polypay ewes, half of which lamb in the fall and half in the spring. Because he is near Detroit, which is the largest Muslim community in the US, Thorne sees first-hand the value of both traditional and non-traditional markets. The majority of the farm’s lambs are marketed at about 80 pounds. The farm also produces hay for the horse market, and row crops such as corn and soybeans.

In addition, the Lamb Board has released its Fiscal Year 2018 annual report which directs the American Lamb Checkoff.

FY 2018 result highlights include:
Blogger Lambassadors developed 38 new American Lamb recipes and reached over a million consumers
2,353 consumers attended a Lamb Jam event and 54% were new attendees
Lamb flavor research addressing quality factors entered final phases
ALB showcased American Lamb at 24 festivals and events across the US

Click here to see the complete annual report.

AgWired Animal, American Lamb Board, Animal Agriculture