RFA Ethanol Podcast

The Best of 2018

Cindy Zimmerman

Here are some of our favorite photos and links to our top viewed posts on AgWired for 2018. We covered nearly 50 events around the world in 2018, from the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting in January to the American Seed Trade Association Seed Expo in December, and we are grateful to all of our friends and fans for making it possible. See you down the Agriblogging Highway starting January 7 in New Orleans at the Beltwide Cotton Conferences!

2018 in Pictures

Top Viewed AgWired Posts of 2018

The John Deere API Evangelist at #DevelopWithDeere
Farm Credit: What’s on the Horizon for Rural America
President Trump at 91st National FFA Convention
Major Seed Companies after the Mergers
BASF Takes Over Bayer Assets
Alltech Honors Company Founder’s Legacy
Bayer Outlines Vision for Future of Farming
Trump Discusses E15 and Agricultural Trade Issues
Gene Editing is Disruptive Innovation for Agriculture
Inari Aims to Transform Agriculture

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, ZimmComm Announcement