2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Deere Celebrates 75 Years of FFA Sponsorship

Cindy Zimmerman

John Deere commemorated 75 years of partnership with the National FFA Organization at the 91st annual convention and expo last week in Indianapolis.

To celebrate, John Deere provided a $75,000 contribution to the FFA Living to Serve Platform, as well as a time capsule representing that last 75 years of agriculture to be opened 75 years from now. Sam Allen, Deere & Company chairman and CEO, announced the contribution at the 91st National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, where he was a keynote speaker.

“The Living to Serve Platform inspires FFA members to put leadership into action through service activities and prepare them to be responsible leaders in agriculture and many other professions in the future,” said Allen.

Since it first made a $1,000 contribution in 1943, John Deere has provided funds totaling more than $13 million to the National FFA Organization. Deere sponsors a wide range of FFA activities, including a John Deere dealer scholarship program, the farm business management career development competition, and the international leadership seminar for state officers.

Alex Voichoskie with the Rural Radio Network provided interviews from the Deere presentation for FFA Today. Here is her interview with Allen.

FFA 2018 Alex Voichoskie interviews Deere CEO Sam Allen
Audio, FFA, John Deere