2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Trace Minerals Optimize Animal Health

Carrie Muehling

Alltech is having great success with its organic trace mineral products that mimic nature’s organic trace minerals but are better absorbed by the animal.

“We make the trace minerals in a way that they’re more absorbed and more retained in the body so we have better mineral status,” said Brad Rortvedt, Regional Sales Manager with Alltech. “By having better mineral status in the animal, or in humans, we can have better immunity and better overall performance.”

Research shows using these trace minerals with mature females improves the lifetime performance of their offspring. This could mean seeing heifers reach first sign of estrus more quickly and having a better first service conception rate, for example. Rortvedt was at the 2018 World Dairy Expo, talking with producers about the importance of trace minerals and optimizing performance in today’s dairy industry as genetics continue to improve.

Listen to Jamie’s interview with Brad here: Interview with Brad Rortvedt, Alltech

2018 World Dairy Expo Photo Album

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Audio, Dairy, World Dairy Expo