- Phibro Animal Health Corporation has introduced the new Animate app, a free mobile app for Animate® anionic mineral supplement customers that allows dairy producers to track critical prefresh metrics over time and identify trends by prompting them to enter data including: urine pH, bunk space, stocking density, dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) levels, temperature humidity index (THI), dry matter intake and other factors. The innovative app aggregates this data to project trends in herd productivity and gauges the performance of their pre-partum feeding and management program.
- Seasonality of US lamb production is an issue that causes inefficiencies and market volatility for all segments of this industry. A new white paper pulls together information on the topic so that members of the industry can understand it in more depth and make informed decisions about management alterations to better supply a more consistently available product. “Seasonality of the US Lamb Industry: A Review of Current Information” is now available for download at LambResourceCenter.com in its Production Resources section.
- Newtrient LLC published its inaugural progress report, reporting on its advancements in nutrient management, manure-based products and market-driven solutions. Newtrient's founding members recognize the environmental benefits that dairy farmers deliver to society — far beyond milk and meat. The opportunity now is to create positive, economic incentives that benefit farmers, communities and society. The full report can be viewed online at http://www.newtrient.com/About/Membership-Report.