2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Growing Corn for Future Generations

Carrie Muehling

Corn quality and related research and production techniques were among topics on the agenda at the 2018 Corn Utilization and Technology Conference in St. Louis.

The future of the industry is a favorite subject of Dennis Maple, chairman of the National Corn Growers Association‘s Corn Productivity and Quality Action Team.

“I think we’re still going to have a big pile of corn in 30 years,” said Maple. “I think as producers we’re going to be more efficient and do a better job. Our corn breeders are going to do a fantastic job at getting us products that will produce bigger yields, and we’ll be better at water conservation and fertilizer conservation.”

Maple said younger farmers are becoming more and more important as older farmers like him need not only younger legs to help with the physical demands of production agriculture, but also younger minds to embrace the digital aspects of farming today. He said farmers continue to educate themselves on a number of important topics, from what’s happening with the Renewable Fuels Standard to how labeling affects ethanol consumption.

“Labeling is such an issue, whether it’s GMO labeling or labeling with ethanol or just anything in the grocery store, for example. Labeling is an issue,” said Maple. “Folks want to know where they’re products are coming from and how they’re produced. I think maybe more so in our younger generation that in past generations.”

He suggested consumers might be better served by a label denoting an octane rating or price octane rather than the ethanol content of a particular fuel.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Dennis here: Interview with Dennis Maple, Corn Grower

2018 Corn Utilization & Technology Conference Photo Album

Audio, Corn, CUTC, Ethanol, NCGA