2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Using Digital Agriculture to Enable a Reliable Supply Chain

Carrie Muehling

Technology is here to stay, and digital agriculture is helping farmers of all ages to better serve the processors and consumers they are supplying.

“I think we sometimes discount how well some of the older generation actually uses the technology. I think some of the older generations have grasped the technology. They are utilizing it,” said Roger Theisen, business manager for specialty corn with Corteva Agriscience. “I believe some of the younger generations are going to be able to take that information, take that technology, and maybe use it a little more specific to acre profitability, just the different things that they want to do with those acres or for their farming operation.”

Theisen said digital agriculture is helping all aspects of agriculture, from the producer to the processor to the consumer. He said using that technology can not only help farmers to realize more profit when margins are tight, but it can also help them to be better stewards of the resources they have on the farm. That same information can better serve consumers as they strive to learn more about where their food comes from and how it is being produced. Theisen moderated a panel at the 2018 Corn Utilization & Technology Conference in St. Louis.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Roger here: Interview with Roger Theisen, Corteva Agriscience

2018 Corn Utilization & Technology Conference Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, CUTC, Precision Agriculture