2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Pork Forum Panel Focuses on Gene Editing

Cindy Zimmerman

The science of gene editing and its potential for the pork industry took center stage Wednesday at the opening session of the annual Pork Industry Forum in Kansas City.

Journalist and author Michael Specter keynoted the session and moderated the panel on gene editing, which included University of Missouri animal scientist Kevin Wells, The Maschhoffs president Bradley Wolter, NPPC director of science and technology Dan Kovich, and Center for Food Integrity CEO Charlie Arnot. “Gene editing is a potentially revolutionary tool that will improve the lives of humans in clear and tangible ways,” said Specter.

Wells was part of a team at the University of Missouri who developed a PRRS resistant pig, which was sold to a private company that is now working on bringing it to market. “With current technologies, the potential is unlimited…to make animals more efficient, that are healthier, that meet our needs and theirs,” he said.

“We have to start now by generating social acceptance of gene editing,” said Arnot. “That means opening a dialogue to build both acceptance and support.”

Listen to interviews with Specter, Arnot, and Wells, as well as the entire panel in the audio files here.

Pork Forum panel on gene editing Interview with Michael Specter, journalist/author Interview with Charlie Arnot, Center for Food Integrity Interview with Kevin Wells, University of Missouri

Download and view photos from the event here: 2018 Pork Forum Photos

AgWired Animal, Audio, Pork, Pork Checkoff