RFA Ethanol Podcast

Weather Variability Affecting Silage Crop

Carrie Muehling

Dairy producers at the 2017 World Dairy Expo had two primary questions for Alltech Farm Specialist Pat Crowley regarding silage. Those questions centered around variability of the crop this year because of unique weather patterns in the Midwest, and what to expect from the silage because of those factors.

Crowley says farmers are typically producing silage each fall they will use for the next 12 to 18 months. Analysis of fresh samples straight out of the field can help them to know what to expect from each year’s crop. But Crowley says producing good silage begins with planting.

“If you want quality in the end, we’ve got to start with quality in the beginning. We’ve got to look at correct seed selection, correct tillage practices, what type of fertilizers,” said Crowley.

Other factors later in the season like chopping height can also be a factor. Crowley likes to sit down with both producers and custom harvesters to ensure everyone is on the same page before heading into a new season.

Listen to Jamie’s interview with Pat Crowley here: Interview with Pat Crowley, Alltech

2017 World Dairy Expo Photo Album

Coverage of World Dairy Expo is sponsored by Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Alltech  Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Hubbard Feeds
AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, World Dairy Expo