2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Talking with Bayer Crop Science, Global Research Head

Chuck Zimmerman

Adrian Percy, Global Head of Research and Development, Crop Science, a division of Bayer, met with the U.S. press during this week’s Future of Farming Dialog in Germany. I asked him about the effect of Hurricane Irma on the citrus greening project that was recently announced since so much of the Florida crop was devastated this season. He says that it’s too early to tell what it means to research in the Florida citrus growing region but that this is a long term project and they can get started in their own research facilities in the mean time.

On the subject of the global environment for new product development Percy says that “We don’t have a harmonized regulatory system and we certainly don’t have a harmonized way of accepting technology into the different markets we work.” This means that new technologies are getting introduced at very different times in different countries and regions.

Listen to our interview with Percy here: Adrian Percy, Bayer

2017 Future of Farming Dialog Photo Album

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Research