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Bayer Cereals Portfolio on Display in North Dakota

Chuck Zimmerman

The Cereals portfolio for Bayer was on display during the Showcase Plot Tour near Minot, ND. Our presenter, Kevin Thorsness, Technical Services Representative, Bayer Cereals portfolio, gave a very good overview of products for this segment.

Specific products we could see being used in the plots included Varro, Huskie Complete, Olympus and Wolverine Advanced. These products target different type of weeds and can work together for maximum performance. Kevin talks about some of the weeds that have been showing up, including some resistant weeds, which Bayer has products to combat.

This has been a challenging season according to Kevin because the weather turned dry through most of the state, although some areas are in good shape. But as he and others told me, weeds grow even if it is dry. Overall though, Kevin says their products in test plots have been performing very well.

Learn more about Bayer’s cereal portfolio in this interview: Interview with Kevin Thorsness, Bayer Cereals Portfolio

Bayer Showcase Plot Tour – North Dakota Photo Album

Audio, Bayer, weed management