2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

An #AgVocate Example to Feed the Future

Chuck Zimmerman

What better department than R&D to fulfill the 2017 AgVocacy Forum theme “Feed the Future.” In charge of that department for Bayer CropScience is Dr. Adrian Percy.

Adrian has embraced the use of social media to help communicate to consumers, regulators and others, the benefits of the type of work Bayer does. He has been a real positive example for his team of scientists who are not used to so openly communicating about their work. He is very transparent and says that engaging with different groups has made his work even more meaningful to himself.

Listen to my interview with Adrian here or watch below: Interview with Adrian Percy, Bayer CropScience

2017 Bayer AgVocate Forum Photos

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Social Media, Technology, Video