2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Strategic Communications Director Retires from FFA

Kelly Marshall

Members of the FFA community will miss Bill Stagg, 40 year director of strategic communications of the National FFA Organization. Stage has announced that he will retire at the end of this month. He has been with the National FFA Organization since November of 1978, dedicating his life to the motto “Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve.”

“Working for FFA has been such a joy,” said Stagg. “From the moment I set foot in a local high school agricultural education program, I saw caring teachers working with students in extraordinary ways. I understood the power of that close teacher-student relationship to transform the lives of young people and accelerate their personal, academic and career development. I’ve loved working on behalf of FFA members, their teachers/advisors and the dedicated professionals who support them. The story of FFA is a uniquely American one, and it’s been immensely satisfying to share it with others and see it evolve.”

Ag Groups, FFA