2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmPoll Comes to a Close

Jamie Johansen

zp-nh1As we say farewell to 2016, we also say goodbye to our ZimmPoll. For the past six years we have brought you a weekly poll on current events and issues impacting agriculture. The first ZimmPoll took place in November 2011 and asked the question, “How do you think agricultural interests will fare in the new Farm Bill?” Since then we have posted 289 ZimmPolls with the most response coming from one posted in June 2011 asking the question, “What do you think of USDA’s proposed GIPSA rule?”

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What 2016 ag news will have most impact on future?”

Reflecting on the top ag news stories in 2016 allows us to take a trip down memory lane. The easy majority winner in this poll didn’t take us back too far in history. The Trump cabinet is still being discussed and that will continue well in to 2017. As we look further into 2017, I am sure we will also continue to discuss upcoming mergers, the autonomous tractor, GMOs, biofuels and the ever-changing farm economy.

Here are the poll results:

  • New Trump cabinet – 75%
  • Mergers and acquisitions – 9%
  • Concept driverless tractors – 0%
  • GMO labeling – 8%
  • Higher biofuel levels under RFS – 0%
  • Farm economy – 8%

Thanks to New Holland for being our ZimmPoll sponsor for six years!
