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Vilsack Bids Farewell at #NAFB16

Cindy Zimmerman

nafb-16-vilsackSecretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack made his final appearance at the National Association of Farm Broadcasting convention of his eight years in this office.

“First of all, I want to thank the broadcasters here today,” Vilsack started his remarks to a standing room only crowd. “I think all of you have done and continue to do a great service, particularly to rural areas of the country.”

Reflecting on his eight years as secretary, Vilsack considered whether he has left USDA better than when he arrived. “I think I can make the case that we are,” he said. Vilsack opening remarks

Vilsack then answered questions for 45 minutes, addressing topics such as TPP, nutrition programs, what the future may hold for him, and whether he has any regrets.

“I’m proud of my service,” he said. “I think I’ve done the best job that I can.”

Listen here: Vilsack questions

Thank you Mr. Secretary for your service and your accessibility to the farm media over the years. Whatever the future holds for you, enjoy those grandchildren!

View and download photos from the event here: NAFB Convention Photo Album

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