2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Join Us & Great American Wheat Harvest for #TransformFFA

Jamie Johansen

screen-shot-2016-10-18-at-1-10-22-pmThis week thousands of FFA members will flood the streets of Indianapolis for the 89th National FFA Convention. We will be there to cover as much of the happenings as possible thanks to New Holland Agriculture. Check back daily for added content and as always, AgNewsWire.Agwired.com will compile all audio and photos to make it that much easier.

While in Indy, students will have the chance to receive a LIMITED EDITION copy of the Great American Wheat Harvest movie. This limited edition will only be available to FFA Chapters. They have printed more than 8,000 copies to distribute to chapter leaders so if you know someone who will be at convention, please encourage them to stop by the New Holland Agriculture booth in the exhibit hall to pick up their copy.

Film director, Conrad Weaver and “star” of the film, Tracy Zeorian will be attending the event and will be personally handing out the DVDs. We’re especially thankful for New Holland’s contribution and sponsorship and for their ongoing commitment to agriculture education!

We have worked in partnership with a number of sponsors and have been endorsed by the National FFA Organization for the production of this special DVD. The project was sponsored by New Holland Agriculture, MacDon Industries, the US Custom Harvesters, Monsanto, US Wheat Associates, and the Oklahoma Wheat Commission.

Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by
Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by FMC
Coverage of the National FFA Convention is sponsored by New Holland
Ag Groups, FFA, Harvest, New Holland, Wheat