2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Some Say Mega Merger Bad News

Jamie Johansen

zp-nh1Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your opinion of the Bayer-Monsanto deal?”

The mega merger is still in the news and a small majority of pollers seem to believe the Bayer-Monsanto deal is bad news for the industry. As the companies work out the kinks farmers will soon see what the future holds and how this consolidation will impact their bottom line.

Here are the poll results:

  • Better solutions for farmers – 26%
  • Bad news – 37%
  • Consolidation is inevitable – 22%
  • Don’t know- 10%
  • Don’t care – 5%

Our new ZimmPoll is live and asks the question, How should U.S. normalize relations with Cuba?

The U.S. Ag Coalition for Cuba represents about 120 national groups each working collectively on individual interests with the common goal of improving trade relations with Cuba. Cubans seek to normalize relations with the U.S. which would include the U.S. lifting the embargo, extending credit to Cuba ensuring future trade deals and opening borders allowing U.S. citizens to travel as tourists to Cuba. Trade would open doors for U.S. agriculture and tourism would seal the deal on demand for U.S. goods. However, many believe any business with Cuba is bad business because of it’s history. Tell us how you feel…end the embargo, open-up tourism for U.S., neither or both?
