2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

MaxEmerge 5e Rolling Out in 2017

Lizzy Schultz

29035092560_e63fe9bf30_o John Deere is offering growers more consistent population control than ever before with the release of the MaxEmerge 5e set for the 2017 planting season. Ryan Hough, Product Marketing Manager, Planting and Seeding Operations, sat down with Chuck during the John Deere Product Reveal for Ag Media to discuss how the MaxEmerge offers growers precision technology that can help increase the value of their older machines.

The MaxEmerge is a 5 meter unit with electric drive options, leaving the challenges associated with chains and sprockets in the dust, and the unit’s single electric dive, motor, and unit row controller offer consistent population control, especially true around curves.

“It’s a best of both worlds approach with an electronic drive to get that seed population accuracy, yet still keeping it in a traditional seed tube design,” said Hough. “We have it in a new planters as well as in a retro fit opportunity, so it offers an opportunity to current planter owners and looking to make that progression without buying it new.”

Listen to Chuck’s full interview with Ryan here:
Interview with Ryan Hough, MaxEmerge

John Deere Product Reveal Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Equipment, John Deere, Planting