2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Propane Tractor Prototype from New Holland

Joanna Schroeder

dsc_0394For ten years, New Holland’s brand position has been as a Clean Energy Leader and the company didn’t disappoint at this year’s Farm Progress Show with the launch of the third-generation Alternative Fuels Tractor prototype that is powered by propane autogas. I got all the details about the cutting-edge tractor from New Holland’s Mike Cornman who said the concept tractor can also be adapted to run on bio-propane, bio-methane or methane itself. Cornman said they decided on propane as the preferred alternative fuel, in part, because of some of its advantages.

One key factor when you compare a tractor burning propane versus a tractor burning diesel, says Cornman, includes a 20 to 40 percent savings on fuel costs per year. “It’s also producing up to 80 percent less pollutants up in the atmosphere with propane versus diesel. So it really fits well with us being the clean energy leader standpoint while being able to provide a benefit to the operators utilizing propane rather than diesel.”

New Holland’s baseline tractors are the T-6 series tractors and when they compare diesel versus propane, they found very similar performance in terms of horsepower and engine torque. The company has provided several customer clinics where they have conducted various exercises that included pooling, front end loader use, among others, and found that the propane powered tractor performed just as well as compared to a tractor fueled by diesel. “So there’s no real sacrifices that an operator would be giving up in purchasing a propane tractor over diesel,” Cornman adds.

dsc_0389I asked Cornman how a grower would fill the Alternative Fuels Tractor knowing that many growers have propane tanks on their farms for use in other capacities. He explained that one challenge of the propane concept tractor is that it takes more space for the propane autogas, i.e. the tractor needs a larger fuel tank. So New Holland designed a fitted tank to carry the propane. In addition, Cornman says the fill technology has evolved to a quick-fill type nozzle making it easy for the operator to re-fill the tank with propane.

Cornman said that moving forward New Holland will hold several more customer clinics to get additional feedback and they will also assess market opportunities. He also says that growers interested in the propane autogas powered tractor can call their local dealer for more information. And while there is no set date on commercialization, Cornman anticipates the Alternative Fuels Tractor will go into production in the near future.

Learn more about New Holland’s Alternative Fuels Tractor concept by listening to my interview with Mike Cornman: Interview with New Holland's Mike Cornman on Propane Tractor

New Holland 2016 Farm Progress Photo Album

2016 Farm Progress Show Photos

Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Coverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by New HollandCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by BASFCoverage of the Farm Progress Show is sponsored by Growmark
Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, New Holland, Propane