2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

I AM @USFRA – Todd Frazier @DuPontPioneer

Cindy Zimmerman

i-am-usfra-webThe U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) is made up of nearly 100 industry affiliates and partners. The majority of the alliance is agricultural organizations who make up the affiliates, while a handful of agribusiness companies are industry partners who help USFRA with its goals to communication with and educate consumers about agriculture.

One of those industry partners is DuPont Pioneer, one of three companies with membership on the USFRA board and Global Marketing & Commercial Effectiveness Director Todd Frazier is the company’s representative. “DuPont Pioneer was one of the founding members of USFRA and I’ve been a board member for about three years,” said Frazier. “What really drew DuPont Pioneer into USFRA was all about the group wanting to build trust and transparency…and help non-agricultural people understand what farmers and ranchers are going through, how they run their businesses, and the challenges that they face.”

usfra-frazierThe industry partners are very critical to the success of USFRA’s goals, and Frazier encourages other agribusiness companies to explore that opportunity. “The mission of USFRA is to really get the voice of agriculture in places where we don’t have a voice,” he said. “When we work on behalf of USFRA, we’re really focused on farmers and ranchers and how we get that entire voice of agriculture out to consumers, so we kind of check all the competition and egos at the door.”

Frazier appreciates many of the programs which have been developed by USFRA over the past five years, such as the FARMLAND movie and its associated educational tools. “We really expanded a lot of the footage in the documentary into smaller sections that we provided to colleges and high schools for agricultural programs and food conversations in general,” he said.

Learn more in my interview with Todd here: Interview with Todd Frazier, DuPont Pioneer


Agribusiness, Audio, Pioneer, USFRA